Are we at a digital crossroads in social housing technology?

Only the giant housing associations, with in-house teams, decent budgets and access to consultants have the skills, capacity, and capability to leverage the best technology.  For the rest Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains a dystopian risk rather than a transformative opportunity.

Yet every day we read reports about regulation, risks, and reputation-damaging news – putting leaders on the back foot despite a strong desire to use technology to bring about the changes they need.

As a consultant to the housing sector for the last seven years the first question clients usually asked me was, “What is the best [housing] management system?” And my answer is that you already have the best system! The one that you bought, implemented, trained your team on working. So, make the best of it!

In recent years, the focus has shifted from systems to data, emphasising the critical importance of effective data management. Unfortunately, the “best systems” are not very good at providing quality data, so associations are getting increasingly frustrated. We’ve treated our standard housing systems like a musty old loft or one of those metal filing cabinets, stuffing them with information that we might need someday rather than managing data effectively from the start. Even worse, the traditional providers treat your data like they own it!

How do we sort this out? Unfortunately, few associations have the in-house skills. The solution lies in collective effort. By coming together, collaborating better, and being part of a unified push for change, we can overcome these challenges. It’s not just about having the right systems but about building the right ecosystem of skills, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Only then can we truly capitalise on the technological opportunities available to us.

Fit for the future

Support is at hand to help you tackle the challenges.

However, it requires looking beyond your technical team to implement new working methods and systems. The focus should be on people and culture, not just the technology on desktops.

Engage a digital adviser and partner:

Firstly, seek assistance from a digital adviser and partner—someone who can be an expert yet critical friend. They can assume various roles, from a fractional Director to a programme manager to external assurance. You can discuss different models with us to find the best fit for your organisational culture.

Maximise existing systems:

Use the systems you already have; you’ve invested in them. Many housing and asset management systems offer similar functionalities. No single system can do everything perfectly, and it’s more effective to build functionality from within your existing systems than to invest in multiple applications.

Focus on data and record-keeping:

Lastly, prioritise data and record-keeping capabilities. This begins with some design thinking, adopting an approach more akin to a librarian than a data scientist. Determine what you need to track to ensure compliance, safety, and quality of homes, and understand what information tenants need to feel happy and secure in their homes.

By adopting these strategies, you can better navigate the complexities of digital transformation in social housing. Remember, it’s about creating a cohesive ecosystem that integrates technology with a supportive culture and skilled people.

At the crossroads

Every day we read reports about regulation, risks, and reputation-damaging news –putting leaders on the back foot despite a strong desire to use technology to bring about the changes they need.

Our free guide looks at this crossroads we’ve reached in digital, data and technology in social housing. 

From in-house skills to essential reading, we look at how we sort out the critical issues and how you get support.

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