Good governance

Putting a solid framework in place so you can lead with clarity and integrity

The Marzipan Way

With growing scrutiny from regulatory bodies like the Regulator for Social Housing and the Information Commissioner’s Office, digital compliance is no longer optional. It’s a must.

We understand that building solid digital strategies that will last in an ever-changing environment can be challenging. The Marzipan Way is a framework that incorporates technology, human-centred design and digital transformation along with good governance. By understanding these four core elements, we support you in getting to grips with the changes your organisation needs to make and will guide you through how best to achieve them.

Leadership and strategy

We’ll help you lead with clarity and integrity. From helping you to understand digital transformation, to developing a comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with your objectives, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Digital strategy

Social housing associations should embrace innovation and digital inclusion, aligning their ICT strategy with the overall business direction. Their digital roadmap should consider how technology is used within the organisation, and how that could develop.

We’ll consider emerging social, financial, policy, and technology research reports, and how data can improve performance. We’ll also determine your organisation’s vision – considering experimentation and innovation, including environmental and social sustainability.

You’ll be left with a clear and comprehensive digital strategy that aligns with your organisational objectives.


Demonstrating an understanding and commitment to digital transformation is about leading by example.

What does good look like? You’ll have a senior leader responsible for digital, ensuring accurate operational performance and risk management to guide the digital journey. Other senior staff will have an active involvement in driving digital transformation, fostering innovation, collaborating with others, understanding change management principles, and addressing ethical issues. When it comes to Board Members and Trustees, there will be representation with competent members understanding the impact of data, technology, and digital transformation.

Governance and policies

Creating frameworks and policies that meet regulatory compliance are mandatory. Create processes that make sense for your organisation, determine responsibility, protect you and your customers, and set you up for success.

Data governance

Implement a framework for data governance, ensuring quality, integrity, protection, and compliance.

This element is about putting into place a clear knowledge and information management strategy aligned with business objectives, with regular KPI checks.

We’ll help you examine and protect your data quality and integrity with a well-defined data architecture, processes for ensuring accuracy, and regular training on data governance.

When it comes to confidentiality and personal data, compliance with GDPR and other data protection laws, and adherence agreed standards should be your baseline, and we’ll help you consider the software that will help you with this.

Digital policies

Create a comprehensive framework of policies regarding digital service provision and usage.

What kind of digital support do you offer your customers? A digital service desk or managed service provider (MSP) with assigned owners for business systems would provide reliable support.

We can give you guidance on using IT as a tool for business change, including planned and controlled software releases.

Develop clear policies on acceptable use, starters and leavers, social media, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), and digital skills and knowledge.

Where to begin

Good governance can seem overwhelming, with a lot of moving parts. We’ll help you navigate compliance priorities, while supporting your overall organisational goals.

Our expert digital advisor will work with you to achieve success, providing comprehensive materials, insights, resources, and guidance, so that you can lead effectively.

Keep in touch

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