Digital technology

Understanding the technology that empowers your customers and satisfies regulatory requirements

The Marzipan Way

The Marzipan Way is a framework for digital excellence in social housing. Technology is always evolving, and so are the regulations and recommendations around this technology. With such a moveable feast, how do you begin to strategise around digital technology that you know will be used, and will last?

Digital is about improving lives and meeting changing needs – and using data to make informed decisions and enhance your service delivery.


We’ll assess your digital maturity, determining whether the systems you have in place are being used to their full potential – or whether it’s time for a replacement.

Digital infrastructure

Is your infrastructure fit for purpose? Hardware or software, we’ll support you in determining whether you have the tools to do the best job you can, and spotting where you can innovate.

We’ll assess and assist you with:

  • Digital support

A competent IT team or reputable Managed Service Provider to handle technical issues and support users.

  • Network infrastructure

Reliable and robust network with high-speed broadband access to support digital activities.

  • Security infrastructure

Strong measures to protect digital assets, including firewalls, encryption, and disaster recovery facilities.

  • Use of cloud platforms

A cloud strategy that aligns with overall goals, including advanced cybersecurity technologies.

  • Hardware and software

Modern and reliable devices with up-to-date software. .

  • File storage

Sufficient capacity to store growing volumes of digital files.

Knowledge and information management

Information is power. Gather, process, and harness data to make informed decisions, personalise relationships and enhance service delivery. Improve your underlying services while satisfying the Housing Ombudsman’s recommendations.

We consider:

  • Core applications

Deployment of systems to manage housing operations, assets, finances, and customer relationships.

  • Collection tools

Robust methods to collect and store quality data.

  • Data analytics

Use of BI and analytics tools to analyse data and understand customer behaviours.

  • Document management

Centralised platform for storing, organising, and retrieving documents.

  • Open Data

Integration of data from different systems and sharing with partners or stakeholders.

Security and risk management

Developing a strategy to handle your security and manage risk is a must, and it comes hand-in-hand with the tools you choose to use.

Cyber security

Having robust cybersecurity measures ensures that your organisation has the ability to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats. Governance needs to be in place for this to happen – a clear strategy and policy for cybersecurity, with regular audits and specific risk mitigation accreditation.

Do you have business continuity and recovery plans? How will you respond to cyber threats, deal with disaster recovery, and cyber risk insurance?

We’ll work with you to manage the threat by considering cyber security ahead of time, having forward-thinking strategies, mitigation plans and trained employees.

Risk management

Identify and manage the risks of technology and digital transformation. It’s about being proactive, not reactive.

Through The Marzipan Way, we’ve developed clear processes for identifying, assessing, and mitigating digital risks, including technological failures, data breaches, and vendor risks.

We also work with you on:

  • Corporate governance

Transparent and accountable digital governance, with regular reports on digital risks.

  • Assurance

Periodic independent audit and assurance, including penetration testing.

  • Incident response

Plans for responding to and recovering from digital incidents, including data breach response.

Technology, the right way

The sky’s the limit with technology in social housing, but we’ll help you get rid of the noise and understand what’s important to your organisation.

We want your residents to feel connected, empowered, and secure – and we know you do too. Your journey towards digital excellence in social housing will be tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

Keep in touch

It’s well known that we’re a friendly bunch at Golden Marzipan and we love nothing more than welcoming new people into our community of housing professionals who all have a passion for effective change. If you would like to: