
Experienced in supporting social housing leaders with sustainable change

Bringing simplicity to social housing

Change is difficult, and while many leaders in social housing confidently recognise that something isn’t working in their business, the complexity of the moving parts, the effort to get collective buy-in and the resource required to sort it out can often make it feel like an insurmountable hill to climb. That’s where we can help.

Our collection of advisors bring simplicity to complexity by working alongside you to help you unpick the challenges in your social housing association, understand what’s going on and create a clear roadmap for delivery to make change happen. And after your plan is place, we don’t just simply walk away – if you require additional support on delivery, capacity building or simply a critical friend, we’re here when you need us.

Some of the key challenges our current clients are working on include making the transition to agile working, implementing a ‘digital’ vision, ensuring their IT keeps up with tech and security and introducing genuine customer-centricity. If you are challenged by these or any other issue, take a look below to see how our services can help.

Our services

Digital assessment

The rapid pace of change in the digital world can leave you with an uneasy feeling that you might be being left behind. From emerging tech to new security threats, our digital assessments use the ICT Good Governance Framework to assess where you’re at, making practical recommendations on your next steps.

Transformation consultancy

Sustainable change isn’t easy, but it is achievable with Golden Marzipan’s transformation consultancy. Our advisors will work with you to define, assess and plan an effective way forward to ensure your vision of change becomes a reality that sticks.

Rapid process transformation

Adapted specifically for the housing sector from its origins in the proven Google Design Sprint, our rapid process transformation is a tried and tested way to bring your people together to solve a specific problem.

Virtual programme management

Resourcing transformation programmes and projects can be a real headache for smaller housing associations. Golden Marzipan’s team of experienced social housing change advisors can remove that pain by providing an immediate injection of expertise. We’ll help your programme succeed with strong governance from the very start.

Cultural change

People and culture are an essential ingredient in successful change. Mobilise your most valuable asset, people, to become change-makers in their own right. Or develop your capacity for change and digital with our effective coaching and development service.

Strategic alignment

Sometimes having a clear and collective definition is all you need to move forward. We work with senior teams to unpick some of their most ‘chewy’ problems, helping them arrive at a collective definition that unlocks the potential for change.

Strategic critical friend

Do you need to increase the strategic capability in a part of your business? Whether it’s ICT, customer experience, people and culture or marketing, Golden Marzipan advisors have years of senior experience gained in both housing and their specific fields to inject into your organisation.

How can we help?

It all starts with a conversation, as no two challenges are the same. It’s important for us to understand what your issues are and where you want to get to as the support we offer and the solutions we recommend are unique to you. If you would like a no-obligation discussion about where you’re at and how we can help, please get in touch for a free consultation.

Woman in social housing sector is smiling in a blue top

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It’s well known that we’re a friendly bunch at Golden Marzipan and we love nothing more than welcoming new people into our community of housing professionals who all have a passion for effective change. If you would like to:

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