
Golden Marzipan is a change management consultancy, created by like-minded people who simply believe in the potential of the housing sector. Let us help you to unlock your potential

What's in a name?

First things first… our name, Golden Marzipan. What does it actually mean and why did we name our change management consultancy after a cake ingredient?

When we first tried to describe our approach, we thought of a Battenburg cake, four squares of sponge wrapped in a luscious layer of golden marzipan. Well for us, the squares in the middle represent the key change tools you want to make. Be it ‘going digital’, changing your processes or even altering your operating model, whatever the change it’s there inside that sponge. But it doesn’t come together until you wrap it in the golden marzipan, which for us equates to your people and culture.

So essentially, if you want your change to be successful, it’s the people layer of marzipan that will get you the real results and we never lose sight of that.

Our change management advisors

We are an experienced bunch – with backgrounds in IT, digital, cultural change, change management, data analysis and communications, we have decades of experience in change management consultancy. We have the ability to pull together in a project management team a bespoke collection of skills that directly reflect the challenges you face and the changes you want to make.

We know that housing providers are ready and willing to innovate, but sometimes change can become messy and you come across chewy problems that you simply can’t swallow. Some of the main challenges our clients tell us about are:

  • Change is a one-off initiative, tackled by a single team.
  • You don’t get the right digital solutions from suppliers.
  • A lack of senior buy-in means the change goes nowhere.
  • There’s a resistance to change as people revert back to how they’ve always done things.
  • People don’t understand the benefits, so don’t get behind the change.
  • There’s a paralysing fear of failure.

Does any of this sound familiar? If so don’t worry, you’re not alone. The main goal of our team is to help you overcome these challenges and we do this by understanding your issues and then offering a solutions-based pragmatic plan to help you move forward. We try and bring simplicity to your complex issues. 

Read more about how we do that in our services.

The Golden Marzipan values

We’re passionate about enabling effective change in the housing sector, it’s why we set up the company.  But more so here our values – we are …

Agents for change

The Golden Marzipan team has decades of experience working as leaders and advisers to the UK social housing sector and beyond. We are tech-savvy advisers who know that people are the most crucial part of change.

Architects of change

We care about the solutions we provide. We use our experience and knowledge to build solutions that are fresh, crafted and curated so that they fit in with your culture.

Affordable change

We bring a flexible and agile approach with affordable fees. Try our services before you buy and many of our development and networking opportunities are free to access

Activists for change

With a desire to help the housing sector thrive, we aim to develop the sector’s capacity for change, creating a network of like-minded change activists who encourage and coach each other to improve.

Approachable change

Our clients tell us that we are an approachable, caring and engaging organisation of nice people, and that's that important to us too.

Agile change

We are a learning organisation, and our small team likes to work with agility and in collaboration with each other and our clients.

Our latest insights

Keep in touch

It’s well known that we’re a friendly bunch at Golden Marzipan and we love nothing more than welcoming new people into our community of housing professionals who all have a passion for effective change. If you would like to:

Keep in touch.

It’s well known that we’re a friendly bunch at Golden Marzipan and we love nothing more than welcoming new people into our community of housing professionals who all have a passion for effective change. If you would like to:

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