Why transformation consultancy?
Turn your change vision into reality through an actionable plan that will lead to sustainable transformation.
How Golden Marzipan can help
We help you plan for sustainable change by having a clear understanding of the challenges you face, whilst seeking to engage organisation wide buy-in at every opportunity.
Whether you have a vision for change but are not quite sure how to get there, or you’re looking for external support to help develop or sense-check a vision ahead of implementation. We work with stakeholders and decisions makers through a series of engaging workshops to help you define what transformation, digital, agile and channel shift mean to you. We’ll establish your digital maturity, change readiness, data maturity and ICT risk and governance through a deep dive assessment, using this insight to develop a robust roadmap that provides you with an actionable plan, toolkit and specialist advice to get your transformation started.
The outcome
By working with a transformation consultancy, you’ll gain a deliverable change vision and roadmap for the future development of people, processes and systems. And for digital transformation, our solution also incorporates the support of an experienced digital advisor who will deliver an ICT strategy that reflects your business, customer and value for money objectives.
Benefits to your organisation:
Benefits to you:
- An actionable plan based on your vision and business objectives
- Increased business wide buy-in for change
- Support to increase capacity for change
- Additional expertise to work alongside and develop in-house teams
- Delivery of effective change readiness
- Reassurance that your transformation roadmap is based on genuine insight
- An un-bias assessment of your business’ readiness for change and digital
- Confidence that you are incorporating latest thinking and technology
- Fresh ideas and healthy challenge