Ten-day strategy development

An Executive and Board toolkit supported by an experienced Digital Advisor

Digital. Data. Governance.

We can provide you with a vision and roadmap for the future development of people, processes and systems supported by the internal ICT team and by external software experts. We will develop an ICT strategy with you which supports your Business and Value for Money strategies / plans.  

Balancing your diverse needs and responding to COVID19 challenges whilst making a stepped change will be a challenge. Your customer experience and value for money outcomes are dependent on digital transformation. This requires a significant collaboration between ICT and all business functions.  

Our solution incorporates an Executive and Board toolkit supported by an experienced Digital Adviser designed to provide you with a Digital (or ICT) Strategy which includes: 

  • Service design, benefits and principles
  • Strategy and Investment Case including support to board engagement
  • Senior stakeholder engagement / digital appetite
  • ICT Architecture and Infrastructure
  • ICT Team Capability and Capacity
  • Programme and roadmap plan 

Ready to get started?