Leadership │good governance

Demonstrates a clear understanding of, and commitment to, digital transformation.

What does good look like? Our guide to creating digital standards and improving your skills, capacity and capabilities.

Functional leadership

  • A suitable senior leader reporting to the CEO with responsibility for ICT should be appointed to ensure systems accurately evidence operational performance. Delivery of ICT strategy, management of ICT resources, policy development, planning, resourcing, and training. Manage risks by setting up appropriate IT controls and planning for IT recovery from possible disasters.


Business leaders

  • Senior leaders should be actively involved in driving and advocating digital transformation, not just delegating it to a designated ICT leader.
  • All leaders should foster a culture of innovation, encouraging staff to experiment with new ideas, take calculated risks, and learn from failures as well as successes.
  • Leaders should actively seek opportunities to collaborate with other organisations, tech companies, government bodies, and sector networks to accelerate digital transformation.
  • Leaders should demonstrate an understanding of change management principles and ensure they are applied in the digital transformation process.
  • Leaders should consider and address ethical issues related to digital transformation, such as privacy concerns, digital inclusion, and the responsible use of AI and data.


Board members and trustees

  • Board should be represented with at least one competent member with the skills and experience necessary to understand the impact of data, technology, and digital transformation.



The Marzipan Way is a framework for managing digital transformation in social housing. One page, one section or the whole set of standards, there is something to learn for everyone.

If you would like to learn more, please contact steve@goldenmarzipan.co.uk for a free, no obligation conversation.

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