Digital infrastructure

Digital infrastructure │digital technology

Current digital infrastructure has capacity to support digital services. This includes broadband and network access, hardware, and software.

What does good look like? Our guide to creating digital standards and improving your skills, capacity and capabilities.

ICT support

  • A competent IT support team is a crucial part of the digital infrastructure, helping to resolve technical issues, manage infrastructure components, and support users.
  • Alternatively ICT support should be provided be a reputable Managed Service Provider under a services contract.


Network infrastructure

  • The organisation should have a reliable and robust network infrastructure, including wired and wireless networks, routers, switches, and firewalls. It should have the capacity to handle current data traffic and scale up as demand increases.
  • High-speed broadband access is crucial for the delivery of digital services. The organisation should ensure it has sufficient bandwidth to support its digital activities, including streaming services, VoIP, and video conferencing.



  • The organisation should have a reliable telecommunications infrastructure, including telephony, video conferencing, and unified communications services.


Security infrastructure

  • Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, encryption tools, and other security measures should protect the organisation’s digital assets and services.
  • Reliable backup and disaster recovery facilities are in place and regularly tested to minimise the impact of disruptions, reduce downtime, and maintain business continuity.


Use of cloud platforms

  • Developed a cloud strategy that aligns with its overall IT and business strategy. Extent of cloud adoption within the organisation. This could include Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
  • Adoption of advanced cybersecurity technologies, such as advanced threat detection, encryption, and multi-factor authentication.



  • Servers, storage devices, computers, laptops, mobile devices, should be modern, reliable, and have sufficient capacity to support digital services.



  • Essential software including operating systems, databases, and security software should be up-to-date, reliable, and fit for purpose.


File storage

  • Sufficient file storage capacity is available to current and future needs to effectively store growing volume of digital files including data, documents, and media.



The Marzipan Way is a framework for managing digital transformation in social housing. One page, one section or the whole set of standards, there is something to learn for everyone.

If you would like to learn more, please contact for a free, no obligation conversation.

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