Change and culture │digital transformation

Approach to managing the changes including business processes, communication, staff roles, and new service delivery models.

What does good look like? Our guide to creating digital standards and improving your skills, capacity and capabilities.


  • A change management strategy aligns seamlessly with the programme management approach, assuring a strategic response to adjustments in processes, technologies, and culture. The strategy is flexible to adapt to unforeseen changes or challenges during the digital transformation journey.
  • Leaders act as dedicated advocates and catalysts for change, nurturing a culture that inspires other members to embody similar roles. Leadership promotes an environment of innovation, customer-oriented service delivery, collaboration, agility, and lifelong learning.


Communications and engagement

  • Internal communication mechanisms are comprehensive, diverse, and responsive, catering to different communication needs and preferences within the organisation. They facilitate two-way communication, allowing constructive feedback, suggestions, and concerns to flow upwards from the staff.
  • End-users, including residents, staff, and other stakeholders, are actively engaged in the digital transformation process. Their involvement may range from participating in co-design sessions and surveys to beta-testing new systems and regularly providing feedback.


Target operating model

  • The reimagined service delivery model is dynamic, customer-centric, and data-driven. It incorporates self-service options, leverages digital channels for customer interaction, automates service delivery processes, and ensures mechanisms for continuous improvement based on customer feedback and evolving digital trends.
  • A comprehensive workforce plan outlining the evolution of roles, skills, and competencies needed to facilitate digital transformation. The plan addresses current and future skills requirements and includes strategies for retraining, redeployment, recruitment, and talent management.
  • Training and development are continuous processes, designed to assist staff adapt to new technologies and methodologies. The organisation offers a variety of learning opportunities such as traditional classroom training, e-learning modules, peer learning groups, and on-the-job training. There’s a robust system for post-training support, including help desks, digital champions, and coaching/mentoring programmes. Regular assessments evaluate staff performance and learning progress, highlighting areas for improvement and further development.



The Marzipan Way is a framework for managing digital transformation in social housing. One page, one section or the whole set of standards, there is something to learn for everyone.

If you would like to learn more, please contact for a free, no obligation conversation.

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